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Monday, January 21, 2013

2013 Service Excellence Kickoff

A big thank you goes out to those who came to the Kickoff. For those who were unable to attend here are the topics that were discussed:

  • New Culture Club - selecting new Quarterbacks for the 2013 Culture Club that has been re-structured to no longer require travel. Both Phoenix and Northwest has spaces available if you are interested in becoming a Culture Club Quarterback please email Svetlana Mijalski at NW.
  • 2013 Activities Survey Results - in the last couple of weeks a survey was passed around to get the staff's ideas on activities for the upcoming year. The top acitivites of 2012 to return in 2013 and some of the suggestions for the new year were:
    • 2012 Most Popular Activities
      • Ice Cream Social (NW & PHX)
      • Italian Food (NW)
      • Mexican Food & Breakfast (NW)
      • Team Jerseys and Jean Fridays (NW & PHX)
    • Staff Suggestions
      • pot luck
      • talent show
      • movie night
      • Holiday gift exchange
      • design a shirt for hospital week
      • turkey bowling
      • guess this ointment/medication
      • bookfar
  • Blog winners - CONGRATULATIONS!
    • Northwest
      • 1st: Veronica Garcia, Pharmacy Tech
      • 2nd: Paula Franklin, Infection Control/Employee Health
      • 3rd: Carmelita Washbaugh, Nurse Supervisor
    • Phoenix
      • 1st: David Iniquez, BO
      • 2nd: Lee Randolph, Med Staff Coordinator
      • 3rd: Linda Schaeffer, Dietitian
Thank you to those who attended the kickoff, those who filled out and turned in an activity survey and those who visited the blog! All of the ideas will be considered for 2013 activities!