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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

1,000 Page Views!

I wanted to take a moment to share a milestone with you. The Kindred AZ Kronicle blog has hit over 1,000 page views!

This is a fantastic celebration. Thank you to all that visit this blog and for those who have passed the word to other staff.

This is proving to be a beneficial resource.

Thank you!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Egg Hunt Winners

Congratulations goes to our Egg Hunt Winners each winning 4 movie tickets.

Northwest Days: Veronica Garcia, Pharmacy Tech
Northwest Nights: Erlinda Shaoul, RN-ICU

Phoenix Days: Lee Randolph, Medical Staff Svcs.
Phoenix Days 2nd winner: Victor Elenes, EVS
*Due to no night shift turning in any eggs the person with the 2nd most on days won.

Thank you to all that participated and had fun hunting for eggs!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

CEO Cookbook Favorite

Interview of Karen Shammas from Kindred Cookbook.

Kindred AZ Kronicle: What recipe did you make? 

Karen Shammas: Cranberry Bliss Bars (pg 70)

KAZK: How long did they take you to make?

KS: Total 30 minutes

KAZK: Where they difficult?

KS: No very easy

KAZK: How well did they go over for those you made them for?

KS: I made them to take to a holiday party and they were a huge hit.

KASK: Would you make them again?

KS: yes

KAZK: Would you do anything differently if you would make them again?

KS: Make more to take to a party. Ran out s o not everyone got to taste them

KAZK: Anything else you would like to share?

KS: No

KAZK: What recipe are you interested in trying next?

KS: I was looking through the cookbook a recipe to cook for Easter and I would like to try the Linguine with Chicken and Sun Dried Tomatoes (pg 37)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March Message from Karen Shammas

As Kindred employees we all must take personal RESPONSIBILITY. You can not change the circumstances around you but you can change yourself. That is something only you have charge of. Find joy in everything you do, every job, every relationship. It is your RESPONSIBILITY to love it or change it.

I would like to share a story about a nurse who took RESPONSIBILITY to help another person.

The Drive

An ICU nurse came to work one day and saw an elderly woman sitting alone and crying. She learned that this woman had been on a bus trip for senior citizens bound for Branson, Missouri, with her husband of 50 years. They stopped in Valparaiso to have dinner when her husband had a heart attack. Despite the efforts of the ICU staff, he passed away.
     She was still in the ICU because she had nowhere else to go. The hospital was making arrangements to get her back to Ohio on a bus, because the seniors' trip had gone on without her the previous night.
     After learning this, the nurse immediately told her supervisor that she needed emergency time off. Then she introduced herself to the woman and asked if she would like a ride to Ohio. She called her husband and asked him for directions, because she had never been to Ohio.
     On the drive the nurse kept the woman's mind off her husband's death by chatting with her bout their families, careers, and lives. The time flew by for both women. The nurse was surprised when she received thank you cards from the woman and her loved ones. The nurse had only been doing what she would like someone to do if her mother went through something like this.

- Submitted by Donna McHenry, Porter Hospital, Valparaiso, IN
What's Right in Healthcare: Compiled by Studer Group

Thank you for everything you do for our patients and the RESPONSIBILITY you take towards your position here at Kindred.

Thank you,

Karen Shammas, CEO

Monday, March 4, 2013

March/April Service Excellence Standard: Responsibility

The Service Excellence Standard that will be focused on for March and April is RESPONSBILITY.

The activities to look forward to for the upcoming months are:
  • March - Hike (3/9)
  • March - Egg Hunt (3/18 - 3/22)
  • April - Kindred Goes Smoke Free (4/1)
  • April - Baby Picture Guess Who (3/8 - 319)
  • April - Air Walk (4/27)
    • Jean Fridays will continue from through April 26th.

*dates are subject to change.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Employees of the Month: February 2013

A pat on the back and a job well done goes to Chris Trammell, RT for Northwest and Steven Howe,  RN-ICU for Phoenix. These guys are true stars and shine in their skillset and customer service. Next time you see them give them a high five!

Thank you for being so dedicated to the work you do!

March Birthdays 2013

  • Birthstone: Aquamarine
  • Zodiacs: Aries and Pisces
  • Flower: Daffodil
  •  The word ‘March’ comes from the Roman ‘Martius’ and is named after Mars, the god of war.
  •  March was the beginning of our calendar year. It was changed to the ‘New Style’ or ‘Georgian’ calendar in 1752, and it is only since then when the new year began on January 1st.

Angelina Alarcon, RN: 3/2
Lauren Van Buren, RN: 3/2
Binu Thomas, RN: 3/4
Patricia Valenzuela, RN: 3/6
Jaimee Dazey, RN: 3/7
Lara Andren, Med. Tech: 3/8
Ruth emma Huliganga, RN-ICU: 3/18
Steve Andrews, Dir. Bus. Office: 3/19
Marcie Schaible, Med. Tech: 3/19
Naomi Scarlett, Resp. Therapist: 3/24
Corinna Mendoza, PCT: 3/25
Rosa Estrada, EVS: 3/30
Benjamin Nombrado, PCT: 3/31

Kristy Beres, HRC/AA: 3/6
Andrea Hayden, Pharm. Tech: 36
Mary Fregoso, RN-ICU: 3/10
Lorna Lagmay-Cortez, RN: 3/15
Imee Wollschlager, Resp. Therapist: 3/18
Nicole Ray, Monitor Tech: 3/29
Bonnie Maginn, OT: 3/30