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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Message from the CEO

My hope is that all of you had a Happy Holiday Season!

2013 was a complex year with significant changes in healthcare that seem to only be the beginning of a major trend.  So what will 2014 be like?  I am questioned frequently on how these changes will affect our business and I have to continue to answer that I am not sure.  I do know that we will have to do things differently, faster and better. As stated in the letter I sent to each of you in December, we have strategic goals outlined 

for 2014 but also understand those goals are fluid and may need to change in a moment’s notice.  One of our initiatives will be to engage all of you in a “Kindred Community Focus”.  The kick-off will be in late January and more details will be communicated soon.  The success of this community focus will be dependent on your assistance with linking us to your colleagues in the healthcare community.  It does not matter what position you are in – it is the relationship that will benefit all of us.    Thanks so much for your dedication to the success of our facilities and to the quality care you provide to our patients.

On an exciting note, I am very pleased to announce that Karen Cawley will be joining us in January as the new CEO for Kindred Northwest Phoenix.  Her previous healthcare experience and fresh eyes will be quite an asset.  Please join me in welcoming her to our Kindred Family. 
