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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May Message from Karen Shammas

PRIDE in the Workplace

How can you take pride in your job:
  1. Decide to give it 100%: What your mother told you was true. If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing right. Own your job and put your good name on it.
  2. Exert control over what you can: You may not have control over all aspects of your job, but identify what you do have control over and focus on them.
  3. Make it fun: How can you lighten up your workplace? How can you smile at your coworkers and make their day?
  4. Speak and act positively towards your coworkers: If you change your behavior towards others they will likely change too. Notice the good things they do not the negative. The result will be a happier less stressed you.
  5. Practice extreme self-care: Take care of yourself. Seek ways to manage your stress. Take a walk at lunchtime. There is a life after work. Make the best of it and take advantage of hobbies and activities with driends and family.
