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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June Message from the CEO: Heidi Miller

 It seems that the last few months have been ridden with natural disasters and in-human acts of violence that has left all of us in a vulnerable state.  The loss of innocent people and the agony from the families and victims is not even imaginable. 
So what can we do to make a difference? Our approach may be small and at times not noticeable but we can make a difference in the lives of our patients, co-workers and families.
When is the last time we pulled out a chair and sat down face to face with a patient to discover his/her personal hobbies and likes?

When is the last time we told discharging patients it was an honor to care for them?

When is the last time we approached one of our co-workers and asked how it was going and could you help?   You have 10 minutes to spare.

When is the last time we stopped to assist an elderly or disabled person through a door or pick an item off the grocery shelf?

When is the last time we went home and gave our loved ones a big hug for no reason?

Recently we put together a list of staff who volunteer or are participating in community activities.  The list was phenomenal and included several board members of non-profit organizations, to sewing items for hospice patients and hats for children with cancer, to working with handicapped children and pet therapy. Thank you to everyone who takes their personal time to help others. 

Never underestimate the difference you can make!

Heidi Miller, Market CEO