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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Share Your Story, Win a Golden Microphone

Hi Healthy Steps Participates,

There’s nothing more inspiring than a success story – especially when it comes to goals like getting fit, eating better, or reducing stress. We know many of you have done these things (and more) through Healthy Steps Wellness. Now here’s your chance to tell your story, inspire others and win a golden microphone!

How it works:
1.      Answer the following questions in 15-60 seconds on video. You can use any recording device – from            a smartphone to a fancy SLR.
             a.      What’s your name?
             b.      Where do you work?
             c.      How has Healthy Steps Wellness had a positive impact on your life?
             d.      What’s possible for you now as a result of Healthy Steps Wellness?
2.      Send us your video by July 31, 2013:
             a.       Email the video file OR send the YouTube link to inspire@limeade.com
3.       We’ll notify the 10 golden microphone winners on August 12, 2013.

Questions? Email us at marketing@limeade.com.