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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

2013 PTO Cash Out

We are very excited to announce that this year's PTO Cash-Out is at 75%! (Please see attached form for more details)
Employees will be able to make their cash-out elections through December 4th.   You can either print out the attached form or see your Facility Administrative Assistant or Nurse Supervisor for the form. Payment will be added to a regularly scheduled paycheck no later than December 24th, depending on when your form is returned.
A couple of things to keep in mind when making your elections:
- Must leave a minimum available PTO balance of 40 hours
- After cash out election is made, the hours are "locked" for cash out and unavailable for use
- May not cash out any PTO that was donated but unused from a prior emergency
Should you have any additional questions, please contact me or Human Resources.

Shelley Frassetto, Payroll Benefit Coordinator/Finance
Kindred Hospital Arizona - Phoenix/Northwest
602-280-7246 Direct
602-280-7336 Fax