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Friday, November 15, 2013

Completed Education Needs Assessment Evals Raffle

I am pleased to announce the winner of the pair of movie tickets for Kindred Phoenix for completing and turning in the Education Needs Assessment Evaluations on time (before October 31, 2013). 

The winners are: (drum roll please…)

Phoenix: Vicenta Jimenez!!  Congratulations Vicenta and thank you!
Northwest: Sylvia Ellis!!  Congratulations Sylvia and thank you!

You can pick up your tickets from your A.A.

Thank you to all the staff for completing this invaluable assessment tool for the education planning of 2014! If you have not yet completed the mandatory education assessment evaluations and turned them in, please do so at your earliest convenience – all employee feedback is key to successfully planning our Education Calendar for 2014.  

Patricia Burrill, RN, BSN, MSN (in progress)
Education Manager - Phoenix Market